A few days back the whole world woke up to a great news : the discovery of the God particle or the Higgs Boson. It was yet another giant leap for mankind in the scientific space. Discoveries and inventions like these make the earlier discoveries and inventions seem dwarfed, no doubt on that.
My scientifically challenged mind does not have the fathom to comprehend the vastness of its implications and I salute the great scientists who make all these possible. Having said that, I have one small desire from the scientists. Sometime in their spare time, maybe in the small time that they have between brushing their teeth in the morning and sipping their morning cuppa, they should bring out one small invention which will benefit simple people living in the towns and villages in times of need.
No I am not gunning for a thing which will zap all of us , bring us out of our dreams and turn the world into a better living place- the great scientists are anyway toiling at that. I am talking of the humble flashlight or torchlight or whatever name you call it in whatever language you so desire.
Well I have seen all types: from the big sturdy ones which need five batteries and weigh a kilogram to the small ones that fit in your pouch or your palm powered by almost unseen button-cells. I have seen and used all types and makes manufactured in all countries from the legendary Japan or Germany to the ubiquitous Chinese or the Indian ones. All of them have one thing in common. Apart from that being a bulb (or a LED for that matter), they also have the unique feature of not working when you need them most.
I remember having one which was so sturdy and dependable that you could really depend on it for dear life. Except when on that stormy night when the lights go out , that is. That is the time when our dear friend decides to have a siesta.
Or the puny sized one , placed on a key chain , enabling you to open the door in the dark- it works as a demo, works as a showpiece but is actually scared of the dark.
I am yet to see one which is “eveready” in the true sense of the word…..