The ordeal is over ! Finally !
This is the time of the year when I start getting the chills with the impending annual medical checkup, thinking of the reports and the endless numbers of HDL, LDL and all such mumbo-jumbo.
So thankfully after all the pricking, probing , prodding it is finally over. The doctors have thoroughly gone through all the reports and have all agreed in unison that my heart will continue to beat all my life.
So now starts the cycle of temptation, greed, guilt and redemption - for another year. Again the chocolate mousse will beckon, again the fries will tempt. It is an endless cycle like the dog trying to catch its own tail. After some futile tries it also realizes that it is only going round in circles and gives up the effort.
There was a time when medical opinion was disbursed only by those who had the degree under their belt. Today in this age of e-everything, at the click of a button in seconds we have pages and pages of advice, paid and unpaid , of every topic under the sun.
And there is research. Such is this endless research that it throws up new ideas and new theories on an almost daily basis, which threaten to bring to a nought all previous truths that we believed were true.
Some years back I remember having had read in the papers that drinking water is beneficial to health as it flushes out all impurities from the system. Armed with the fountain of this new knowledge I started guzzling down the elixir of life in quantities which would have made a thirsty elephant jealous. Till I choked on another newspaper of another day which warned that too much water to drink would make your kidneys overwork and it can cause damage to the vital organs. So I decided in favour of my kidneys for the time being…..
HDL has been long considered to be the good cholesterol and is enemy number one to LDL, the bad guy. So eat up all things and exercise like a frenzied aerobic robot till your HDL hits the roof. This was the theory known for years but recently there are new findings (lot of internet pages devoted to that too) that it may actually be only a red herring. So we are now wondering which of these fellas we need to watch !
With such conflicting theories floating around and corrupting our innocent minds , the best way to live is “Born Free, Living Free, Forever Free….. Don’t Worry Be Happy…. Hallelujah !”