Sunday, 19 August 2012

Designed for Humans

The recent happenings in India as well as elsewhere are depressing.
Over the last few days, we saw near-riot situation in Mumbai and then targeting of people of North Eastern origin which forced them to head home from cities and towns that they chose to live in and call their home. A few weeks before that, we witnessed the horrendous killing of innocent people in a Gurudwara in USA in a racial hate crime.
It is difficult for any police force to check on activities of each and every person in this world. We would then need a most of the people living on this planet to be police personnel itself.
These crimes of racial hatred deserve the worst punishment and in quick time too.
Somehow these things are forgotten as new news take over. This is how life has been always. Time we stood up united to ensure that innocent people are needlessly not targeted just because of their origins, race, community, colour etc.
It is time we reinforced that this planet is Designed for Humans (to steal a catch-line from a recent advertisement).


  1. Well said, Sudipto. It is important to understand that what we are seeing is not so much a reaction by common people but the outcome of years of political and demographic reengineering to fulfill the selfish motives of those greedy for power. The common man cannot help become a victim to the immense machinery that is working to create such situations. Yet, I am convinced, as your post also points, that common men like you and me can ensure that these machinations fail and that we can live as one.

    1. Yes Shubhorup I agree that this is circumstantial perhaps but we need to ensure that people are not alienated for sake of creed and colour anywhere- I simply hate that.

  2. Nicely put! I loved the way you adapted the catchline for this post. So true!

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