What comes between a question mark and a full stop ?
Well our life begins with a question mark. As a baby and then a toddler and then a school going child, life was vibrant of question marks. Why is grass green ? Why does the cow moo ? Why do I have to study ? Why girls are different from boys ? The life and being revolves around questions and getting them answered. The childhood and adolescence pass quickly in getting these questions answered by self or with help.
Then comes the adult-hood that all children aspire for once the innocence and fun, that all adults later pine for, passes through. Along with it come responsibilities and adjustments and a state of constant negotiations. This is when we have several commas, semicolons , colons, dashes et al. Perhaps a comma will do when a semicolon can’t and a dash would suffice if the comma gives up. This state of being keeps us so engaged and engrossed that we forget the question marks.
Why does the dewdrops on the leaf after an early morning rain look so beautiful ? Hey, doesn’t matter , have got to rush to work before the morning traffic becomes unmanageable and another shower comes by…
Why do we say the rainbow has VIBGYOR and not ROYGBIV ? Why do the ants toil relentlessly to transport that morsel of sugar on the kitchen floor and never get tired ? Why does the child laugh at almost nothing so heartily while all I can do is snigger ?
Well , no time to answer these question marks , as I have the commas and semicolons to deal with…
Never can ignore the apostrophes – those suspicious stuff where something is unsaid and yet meant ? Those are the real devils which compels me to put some more commas.
These wily commas and the guily semicolons and the devilish dashes and the creepy apostrophes take out the steam out of us, the air out of our lungs and push us to the final punctuation : the full stop.
And we wish we had some more question marks answered and paused to ask a few more….
Bhalo laglo...bhalo likhish tui