Saturday 16 September 2017

Hope is a real word

Something in me was missing as I had not posted a single post for last couple of years. Whether the reason is sheer lethargy or running for the roji-roti which keeps your passion in the back-burner I am not too sure, but what the heck, its better to do what I want than what I do not !

Lot of things happened in between in this hiatus, with de-mon ( demon ?), GST, blasts , cacophony of phony politicos, booze ban , 500 metre highway, heinous crimes, godmen to say a few.... 

Wonder what has changed in this interim period ? We wait for the acche din as a parched earth waits for the rain, but yet to see the economic recovery hit the ground running. At least do see its not in deep slumber...that is the hope. Hope is a big word and we cling to that last straw in these lacklustre times.

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